Odds are, if you’ve found your way here, you’re a lot like me. Your nostrils slightly flare open and you crack a grin at the slightest hint of burning charcoal in the air. When the smoke, billowing from the grill or chimney reaches your nose, you don’t cough. Instead, you take as deep a breath as you can muster and savor every precious molecule of the undeniable aroma. When your fire, ever so slowly, begins to crackle and consume the hickory, or mesquite, or your smoke wood of choice, something magical begins to happen that channels our inner carnivore like nothing else can.
That smell means one thing and one thing only – BARBECUE. Bone lickin’, finger suckin’, died and gone to heaven barbecue.
You throw your carefully rubbed brisket or pork butt on the grate and admire the sizzle that you’ve heard a hundred times before, but never, ever get tired of. If it weren’t for being mistaken for being mentally unstable, you’d have a conversation with the meat at this point that would go a little something like this: “Alright, champ. You’ve got everything you need here. A smoker dialed in to 225F on the dot, a temperature probe ever so perfectly placed, and me, your number one fan, ready and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get us through these next 12 hours without incident. I’m going to close this dome now, but don’t you fret, buddy. I’m going to be watching you like a hawk. Well, not literally…I mean, it’s a sin to open the dome while you’re cooking, but you know what I mean. But hey, I just realized that I’m talking to a piece of meat here, so let’s get on with it…”
The dome closes. You pop open your beer of choice. Happiness ensues.
I don’t know about you, but there’s no question in my mind that the art of barbecuing is one part ancient tradition that’s been passed down to generations for thousands of years and one part just pure magic. I’ve been completely enamored by all aspects of barbecue since a young age. From the taste, the smell, the techniques, the equipment, and the way it never fails to bring people together and put a smile on their faces. It’s simply magic as far as I’m concerned. And it’s in that spirit that I proudly present and welcome you to a blog dedicated to all aspects of barbecue enjoyment (with an obvious tilt toward Kamados), Kamado Jim.
So why the need for yet another BBQ blog?
Was there a true need for yet another BBQ blog? I haven’t a clue and couldn’t care less, to be honest. I’m developing Kamado Jim, first and foremost, for the personal satisfaction I get out of learning and sharing about barbecuing on my Kamado. It just so happens that you’ll get to benefit as well as you follow along for the ride and I’d be thrilled to become part of your regular reading. I don’t take that honor lightly and will do my absolute best to provide you with insightful and informative observations, product reviews, recipes, instructional videos, contests and giveaways, and all kinds of other stuff, all centered around my passion for Kamado cooking.
So with all that said, again, I welcome you to Kamado Jim and absolutely cannot wait to get things started here. I hope you’ll join me.
Oh, and I also hope you don’t mind sitting tight while I put the finishing touches on the logo and site theme. Good things coming!
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